Home Vists As Part Of Your Cancer Care
Quality Care To Your Home
If you or your loved one are experiencing difficulties visiting us at the clinic, we will make sure you don’t miss out on your treatment. Let us come to your home if you can’t come to us.
We provide services within Sydney’s metropolitan areas, including the CBD, inner west and eastern suburbs. In some cases we may agree to provide services outside of these areas, however additional charges may apply.
Bringing Quality Care To Your Home
Services provided include oncology physiotherapy, lymphoedema management, remedial and oncology massages. These services are delivered by an experienced physiotherapist or a massage therapist.
If a home visit is delivered at an aged-care or other facility, we may require a contact person to allow smooth access to the premises and a seamless delivery of our services.
Please contact our clinic to enquire about price and availability or to make a booking.
How do I pay for Home Visits?
Pre-payment is required for all Home Visit services either over the phone through our reception (8018 8240) or via bank transfer. For ongoing appointments, some patients prefer us to charge their credit cards and provide their card details to be safely stored in our system.
How long is a Home Visit session?
Our Home Visit sessions are either 60 minutes or 90 minutes in duration. The options will depend on the complexity of your condition and will be discussed with you prior to your treatment.
What does my Home Visit consultation include?
At your initial appointment, your therapist will go through your relevant medical history, discuss your treatment options, deliver your first treatment and establish a treatment plan for the future.
How do I prepare for my first Home Visit?
Providing access to your medical history including providing the names and details of your specialists would be helpful. Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to take on and off. Our therapists can provide a portable treatment bed if necessary. Alternatively, if you have a safe and appropriate place where treatment can be delivered please prepare the area, providing clean sheets, pillows and towels. Please read our Terms and Conditions before your treatment.
Can I claim Home Visits through Medicare or my private health fund?
At this stage, Medicare is not providing rebates for home visit services.
You will need to check with your health fund if your cover includes home visits.
It’s time to manage those symptoms and side effects
Your cancer treatment can leave you with unwanted symptoms and side effects that can often be eliminated or reduced with the right treatment and support.
Call us to discuss how we can help you feel better.

About Us
Oncology Recovery Services Inc. is a multidisciplinary centre that specialises in cancer care and lymphoedema management.
Clinic Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am – 3:00pm