Friday Social: Medicinal Cannabinoids Part 2

Friday Social: Medicinal Cannabinoids - Part 2 | Cancer Care at ORSI

About the Event

Part 2 – Hear it from the Experts

In this session, we’ll hear from the experts about the latest research and legislation around medicinal cannabis. How is it accessed? What is the cost involved and does it even work? These questions and more will be answered by our highly qualified guest speaker.

Associate Professor Jonathon Arnold
The Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics

A/Prof Jonathon Arnold is Deputy Academic Director at the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, which specialises in the discovery and development of cannabis-based medicines. Jonathon has published over 100 research papers and reports on cannabis and the cannabinoids. He currently leads various projects which examine the efficacy of cannabinoids in preclinical models of disease including epilepsy, cancer and PTSD. He has provided expert advice on cannabis and the cannabinoids to the ACT Legislative Assembly, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Medicinal Cannabinoids with Prof. Jonathon Arnold

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